

  1. Here is a project that used Pure Data and an arduino to create a guitar effect pedal. I liked this project because it shows a real practical use of PD, and that it certainly isn’t just restricted to electrical music.

    On a side note, a former teacher of mine did something similar, but with Max/MSP (which is in essence the same deal). He made a nice performance which you can see here:

  2. I found a project that uses Pure Data for generating music. This is a really awesome project in my opinion. One reason is because of its complexity as it is not easy to create something like this from scratch. The other reason is because I really like the sound that it produces. There are quite a few of these projects on YouTube, but this one (for the most part) showed the patch used while running.

    Here is the link:

    Another really good one, but without a readable patch sadly:

  3. Three of our classmates developed a perceptualization system using Pure Data. This project is a nice example of a project using PD that translates facial emotions into sound. They use measurements of distance between points on a face as the output values that are then translated into different sounds.

  4. Three of our classmates made a perceptualization system using Pure Data that translates facial expressions into sounds. We think this is a nice project using PD. They used distances between points on a face as the output values and translated this into sound. It works with a camera and in real time.

  5. Roland van Dierendonck November 23, 2014 at 9:57 am Reply

    To extend on Maarten L.’s comment: I found a blog called Guitar Extended, dedicated to creating guitar effects with Pure Data. I like how the patches can be viewed and downloaded for every example, and there are sound recordings for every effect. And it’s nice how he started with a simple delay, and later experimented with more difficult effects (check out the Hexxciter!)

  6. Here‘s a iOS music sequencer App built by Pure data & Openframework, the sound is enjoyable, simple nodes floating around and connecting each other to generate live sounds/music. You can sculpt the sound by yourself or just watch it move. Or even, a small connection with different devices. A very pleasant One !

  7. Here’s an iOS music sequencer App built by Pure data & Openframework, the sound is enjoyable, simple nodes floating around and connecting each other to generate live sounds/music. You can sculpt the sound by yourself or just watch it move. Or even, a small connection with different devices. A very pleasant One !

  8. This project drew my attention because of the title: ‘browser music’. Link to the video: (unfortunately, a link to the project itself does not work).

    I find it interesting how the program responds to user operations. The text and audio becomes more cluttered when we manipulate the size and position of the browser.
    It is not very complicated or artistic project, however we use a browser on daily basis so it could be amusing to play with it.

  9. I think this ‘pure’ pure data project ‘Egregore’ is nice:

    The source (including extensive documentation) is available here:

    I call it ‘pure’ because it only uses Pure data extended (especially the included Gem graphics library). I call it nice because the nonlinear visualisations tickle my basic mathematical understanding of things like chaos, emergence, attractors and their relation to the physical processes in the world we live in. What I also like is that the source code is available and also very well documented. It also sounds nice.

  10. Manolis Fragkiadakis November 25, 2014 at 5:34 pm Reply

    This project is called Dancing Mirrors and is made with Pure Data and GEM. Essentially it transforms movements into dancing. A camera records a persons movement for a specific time and then it plays back in speed and timing based on the rhythm of a selected track. Although it is not a very complicated project it is quite interesting as it shows that random movements can become dance moves.

  11. Wondering if there were projects using Pure Data (without me realizing so) at the Ars Eletronica Festival we went to this year, I came across ‘Datamatics’ by Ryoji Ikeda. It was exposed in Ars Electronica in 2009 but is an ungoing project Ikeda has been working on since 2006.
    It uses PD both for the visuals and audio and really shows well how beautifully you can represent data using PD.

  12. I didn’t found an actual patch or existing artwork, but encountered on a few advertisements of Electronic Music events that invited people to collaborate on an ‘open stage night’ (open podium in Dutch) to play music using Pd. I really like the idea of seeing programming as playing an instrument. I have visited electronical music concerts, but for me it’s never really clear in what extend the artists are ‘improvising’, or preparing their music beforehand. As the ads pretend, the artists on the Pd nights are really improvising, because sometimes the nights are totally open and the advertisements say artists need to start with a blank page and also play together sometimes.
    Video of one of the events:
    Description of the Blank Pages concept:

  13. I really like this project because the sound that is created is dependant on the speed an position of virtual objects in a tub of sand. The objects move over the sand and react to the reliefs of the sand like they are real objects in real physical space. I think it shows you well how you can use PD to turn data into sound.

  14. I really like this project as it shows you how you can use data to create sound. In this project the position and speed of virtual objects in a tub of sand create sound. The position and speed of these objects change because of the relief that is made in the sand by viewers of the project. Because the virtual objects are being shot from the middle to the rest of the tub, they move/act like real objects in physical space.


  15. As the noise generating websites become more and more popular (,,,,,, the list goes on…) one can’t help but wonder how the seemingly random noises are generated. Naive approach would be to record the original sounds and send them to the client when they are requested (some nifty mixing of the sounds excluded).

    After a brief investigation into the world of calming noises it appears that you don’t actually have to record lengthy tracks of rain, instead one can use smaller samples to generate a fluent stream of sound using Pure Data.

    How you ask? Web + PD = WebPD! (

    Looking through the sample code you immediately stumble upon a very clever storm.pd patch that, as you might expect, generates storm sounds right in the living room! (
    Playing with this sketch allows you to manipulate the storm as if you are God. Make it rain, add more thunder, add visual effects like lightning, sound of trees crashing down, add more thunder. Feel what it is to be in control of the nature, fight the elements. Did I mention to add more thunder?

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